Monday, August 29, 2016

The Futility of Dehumanizing Cameroon, Africa and the World through the imposition of puppets with the Evil Disposition

“...The Romans construed Jesus Chris’s crucifixion as a defeat, but what do we have today? Christianity triumphed. Jesus Christ never betrayed himself, he never betrayed his mission and he never corrupted the ideas that God wants us to live by. The Cameroonian soul is genuine. It is noble, and it embodies humanity. There is no reason to try to kill it because it will triumph ultimately.”

A Quote from "Disciples of Fortune"

Monday, August 22, 2016

France's Relationship with its former Colonies in Africa Idealized

Disciples of Fortune

“Remember these, Sons! The truth presented with tenderness enriches the soul of man and enhances humanity in the process. A Franco-Cameroonian relation based on truth and nurtured with tenderness will be to the benefit not only of Cameroon and France but also of mankind as a whole.”

A Quote from Disciples of Fortune

Monday, August 15, 2016

Russia and the Former Soviet Union (Ex-USSR): Insightful Books


Contemporary Books on Cameroon, Africa

Stories on Family, Culture, Tradition, Customs and Africa


Thrillers on Cameroon (Political)

Historical Sagas


Stories on Romance, Family, Faith, Friendship, Love and Idealism