Monday, December 13, 2010


Map of the World

Cameroon on a Map of the World

Even as Union Nationalists make it a point not to comment on what others argue with a blinding emotion; one thing  about Cameroon can be observed with blinding clarity. The system in Cameroon is an oligarchic system, albeit its Beti domination. It is neither a Francophone nor Anglophone backed system; but rather a French backed system put in place to deny the overwhelming majority of the Cameroonian people their rights to a free, progressive, advanced,  democratic, liberal, fair, developed and  kind Cameroon that has a place among the community of civilized nations. The custodians( those who benefit from the system and preside over its survival)in Cameroon who in reality are puppets in the anarchronistic setup  are  a very small minority. In short, they  are criminals to the noble Cameroonian soul; and they are to be found amongst Anglophones , Francophones, Bamilekes, Dualas, Betis, Foulbes and in fact all the ethnic groups in Cameroon.

My problem with the Anglophiles who also happen to be Francophobes is that they try to excuse any wrong that an Anglophone Cameroonian does even if his/her action was self-centered, against the interest of the collective Cameroonian dream, is a custodian of the system and benefits from it. In fact, some of the Anglophiles exonerate these criminals to the noble Cameroonian soul for  the simple reason that they are Anglophones. Unfortunately, it becomes difficult, if not impossible to even imagine that  we can change Cameroon if we are incapable of rising up to the new demands of being self-critical and of rejecting those wrong elements in society who might even be our siblings, parents, relatives or kindred.

The noblest thing that ever happened to Cameroon was the realization of one of its dreams----reunification. And it is on reunification that a great state could have been built through a Cameroonian idea that cherishes the memory of close to a million Francophone Cameroonians who died in the struggle for reunification and independence against the French and their puppet Ahidjo, as well as the patriotic and union nationalist efforts of Southern Anglophone Cameroonians who voted for reunification and made the dream a reality.

My dear compatriots, some of the great powers are also guilty for our current plight. The United Nations on its part failed to prepare both territories (British and French Cameroons) for reunification and joint independence under the auspices of the UNO and under a mutual agreement (by French Cameroun and British Cameroons) on the nature of the new and independent Cameroon. Gaullist France defied that and granted French Cameroons independence; while Britain, USA and the UNO were quiet for the sake of “Fighting communism” (France had convinced them that the leading party for reunification-the historic UPC was communist.)

I repeat, the vast majority of Anglophones and the vast majority of Francophones are victims of this system; and collectively we are victims of a conspiracy that saw those powers desert the interest of Cameroonians. Britain and France treated Cameroon as a conquered enemy territory after World War One and never felt comfortable with Cameroonian reunification because it spelt of nostalgia for German Kamerun.

The majority francophone Cameroonian intelligentsia is aware of that, but I see a deliberate effort especially by our young Anglophone Cameroonian intelligentsia to turn a blind eye to that reality.

I felt proud as a  civic-nationalist, a Cameroonian union-nationalist when the majority of Francophones were in unison with their Anglophone brothers in supporting the SDF under Fru Ndi, hoping to at last realize the objectives of the Cameroonian dream and reunification, and honor the memories of those who died fighting for it and those who voted for it.

No people are collectively evil and no people are collectively good. What the world has seen are people with the evil disposition who hijack their nations and give it a bad name. That is the case with Cameroon and those people speak English and French. I see a blind attempt by our compatriots who disregard the noble aspects of the collective Cameroonian history to give a bad name to a whole section of our population. Yesterday, it was more of anti-Anglophone utterances by minority Francophones of the system, and today it is anti-Francophone by minority radicals who are for the a Free Southern Cameroons , blind radicals who dishonor the majority of Francophones who want change and are messing up the collective efforts of Cameroonians ( Francophones and Anglophones in alliance) to destroy the anachronistic French imposed system, bury it once and for all and realize the dreams of our forefathers for a new Cameroon that would take us to the future.

Lots of myths have been built around this issue and there is as much lies by the custodians of the system and those who reject the Cameroonian dream. I won’t get into that. Our only bargain with our future rests with us coming to terms with our true history and our collective dreams. That means working together to get rid of this system. I feel the pains because Anglophiles played the biggest role in making the SDF the lame duck that it is today. In fact, the biggest betrayal to SDF’s role as the force to realize the Cameroonian dream and the objectives of reunification came from self-centered Anglophiles who deliberately or foolishly caused disarray within the SDF.

This website below shows you countries in the world. Countries that are worst off are not worst off because they were former British, French, Portuguese, Spanish or Dutch colonies. They are worst off because they were hijacked by people with the evil disposition. Take a look:

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