Monday, October 24, 2022

Rishi Sunak, The New UK Prime Minister and some of the other Premiers of non-English Descent in the History of the United Kingdom

 Rishi Sunak, born in Southampton, England to parents of Punjabi Indian descent who had migrated to Britain from East Africa in the 1960s, was announced today as the new Leader of Britain’s Conservative Party. He would become the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on October 24, 2022. His rise to the top political post in the United Kingdom was following a chaotic Conservative Party leadership race, where he prevailed after the withdrawal of former prime minister Boris Johnson. Thus, he replaces Elizabeth Truss, the outgoing prime minister with the shortest reign in British history(44 days), making him the third minister in two months of political distress and economic turmoil in the country which faces the risk of global war as fears grow of an escalation in the wars in Ukraine involving direct NATO involvement on the side of Ukraine against Russia and Russian allied forces.

Rishi Sunak thus becomes the first UK Prime Minister of Asian/Indian/Hindu/Punjabi descent, as well as of African heritage(his father was born and raised in the British  Protectorate/Colony of Kenya (which gained its independence as Kenya on 12 December 1963), while his mother was born in Tanganyika (a part of the former German colony of German East Africa until 1916, before it became a British Mandatory Territory, and then a British Trust Territory in 1945 until it gained its dependence on December 09, 1961, and then united with the former British protectorate of Zanzibar on April 24,  1964, to form Tanzania).


The new man at the top of UK politics has promised “stability and unity.”



Other UK prime ministers of non-English descent  are:




Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery


Benjamin Disraeli


Bonar Law


David Lloyd George


George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen


Gordon Brown


Harold Macmillan


Henry Campbell-Bannerman




John Stuart, 3rd Earl of Bute


Ramsay MacDonald


Tony Blair



Janvier T. Chando, author of   ICONS AND VILLAINS: Recent Political Assassinations That Transformed Countries, Regions and the World



Monday, June 20, 2022

Number of Foreign Fighters ( Mercenaries) fighting for Ukraine in The Donbas/Ukraine War (According to the Russian Ministry of Defence)


Figure of Foreign Fighters in Ukraine



Arrived from 02/24/2022


 Abandoned the Fight

 Still Fighting














































 Bosnia Hezegovinia











Culled by Janvier T. Chando, author of “ Ukraine: The Tug-of-war between Russia and the West…

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Countries Refugees from Ukraine Go to, and the Numbers

Updated on March 03, 2022

More than 2 million refugees have fled Ukraine in the past week. Here is where they went to:


Countries Welcoming Refugees from Ukraine


Number of Refugees


















3 Million from 

from Donbas over the past eight years

 and 252,000 from rest of Ukraine over the recent  weeks




Other European Countries


More than half a million

Janvier Tchouteu, author of “FALLEN HEROES: African Leaders Whose Assassinations Disarrayed the Continent and Benefitted Foreign Interests”

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Ukraine: The Tug-of-war between Russia and the West

Dubbed by many pundits as “The Most Stupid War in the World,” the Ukraine conflict is one that hardly anyone saw coming back in 2010. However, it is close to a decade old already. In this conflict in the evenly divided Ukraine, brinkmanship by the local players in the country, by the West that wants to drag Ukraine into its orbit, and by Russia that fears losing Ukraine and its security in the process, is the norm. At the same time, the world watches in a seemingly helpless manner as Ukraine gets torn apart at the seams.


Most of the governments in the West blame Russia for instigating this conflict, citing Crimea and Donbas, and accusing Russia of invading them, even though the populations of most of the Western countries are divided when it comes to the party that caused the conflict and began the Donbas War in the first place.


 Russia, meanwhile, blames the West for triggering the conflict in that:

·       It accuses Western Governments of openly siding with the opposition during their three-month protests in the Maidan against the democratically elected Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych because of his decision to suspend the signing of an association agreement with the EU due to the misgivings he was having about the proposals as a package deal.

·       It believes the West reneged on a deal the Western- governments helped broker between Yanukovych and the opposition that would have realized a smooth transition through a union government and the holding of early elections.

·       Russia is convinced the West approved the coup that chased Yanukovych out of power.

·       It blames the new regime in Kyiv for failing to dialogue with those who opposed Yanukovych’s ouster, mostly people from his support base in the Donbas and Crimea.

·       Russia holds the new Kyiv authorities responsible for sending the military to crush this protest, which as a result morphed into an armed- resistance, hence the conflict today.



Apparently, this tug-of-war between the West and Russia is portrayed by many in the political establishment and the mainstream media in the West as the fault of Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been labeled a resuscitator of the USSR, a thug, another Hitler, a tyrant, a communist, a homophobe, etc. Yet Putin has a popularity rating that has persistently hovered between 65%- 85% in Russia, and he fares well even in the West with a fifth of Americans viewing him favorably. So, what are readers missing; what are we not being told; what are we being made to think; and what is the way forward to realize a new and better Ukraine, and a better and safer world for humanity?


We arrive at simple conclusions after reading the accounts in this work.

By Janvier T. Chando, author of “ Ukraine: The Tug-of-war between Russia and the West…

Ukraine: The Tug-of-war between Russia and the West

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Embrasser l'Afrique à la CAN (Coupe d'Afrique des Nations)

 Le Cameroun, la terre diversement décrite comme le « Microcosme de l'Afrique », « L'Afrique en miniature » et « l'Esprit de l'Afrique » accueille l'Afrique ---de l'Est, de l'Ouest, du Nord et du Sud du continent --- à l'espace Camerounais qui se trouve au cœur de l'Afrique puisqu'il accueille la CAN (Coupe d'Afrique des Nations). L'hospitalité Africaine exige que nous traitions bien nos visiteurs pendant leur séjour dans notre maison. Cela signifie donner à nos visiteurs la paix, la sécurité, la joie, la satisfaction et des souvenirs pour lesquels vivre ; cela signifie donner à nos visiteurs une raison de bien nous traiter lorsque nous nous trouvons dans leur pays d'origine. En Afrique, nous mettons un point d'honneur à mettre de côté nos différences, même si ce n'est que pour une courte période, histoire de faire en sorte que nos hôtes se sentent les bienvenus chez nous.


Ainsi, j'appelle tous les belligérants armés au Cameroun (Boko-Haram, Amba et le Gouvernement) à mettre de côté tout projet d'action offensive qui risque de mettre les civils et nos invités africains entre deux feux. Toute force qui cible les participants à la CAN (les équipes, les supporters et le public) se rend sans importance en tant qu'« ennemi du peuple ». Ce faisant, ils entrent dans le domaine déshumanisé du « terrorisme ».


Le Cameroun était le carrefour des migrations africaines, ce qui explique pourquoi des éléments de tous les grands groupes linguistiques et sous-raciaux d'Afrique sont indigènes au Cameroun. Utilisons la CAN pour renforcer cet aspect de notre histoire qui promet de faire de nous le prototype de « L'AFRIQUE NOUVELLE  » une fois que nous aurons résolu nos différends au lendemain de la CAN.


Faisons en sorte que nos visiteurs se sentent chez eux au Cameroun.



Janvier Tchouteu                                  08 Janvier 2022

Janvier Tchouteu, auteur de

« LES HÉROS TOMBÉS: Les Dirigeants Africains dont les Assassinats ont Désorganisé le Continent et ont Profité aux Intérêts Etrangers eBook : T. Chando, Janvier, Tchouteu, Janvier: Boutique Kindle »