Sunday, December 22, 2019

Double Standards by the French-Imposed System in Cameroon and the Comprador Regime of France's Puppet Paul Biya

There are few countries in the world where its political establishment has elevated deception and double-talking to the level of art as in Cameroon. This former German colony of Kamerun (1884-1916) that Britain and France partitioned into French Cameroun and British Cameroons after the defeat of  Germany in the First World War is often referred to as the "Microcosm of Africa" and "Africa in Miniature". It deserves that description.

This beautiful land in the heart of Africa happens to be the only country in the continent with an unfinished liberation cause, as those who sacrificed their lives, time  and resources for the land's reunification and independence have never been permitted to power, following their defeat by the former colonial master France, that went on to grant independence to those who contributed in no way whatsoever---whether as liberals, moderates or radicals in the bloody cause to achieve freedom for the Cameroonian people. Cameroon is the only country in Africa where the idea or group(s) that made its (pseudo)-independence possible have never ruled the country

The Colonial Agreement that France compelled its puppets to sign gave it unfettered control over the political, economic, and military control of the country, so that even the noble cause for reunification that resulted in the partial reconstitution of the territory that was German  Kamerun in 1961, still did not result in the freedom, progress, justice and unity the people had anticipated, since the usurpers France imposed on the Cameroonian people carried out France's game plan to degrade the opposition to their control of the country. That involved a strategy of divide-and-rule, the elimination of resistance through the killing, imprisonment, intimation and compromising of those against the system, or forcing restive Cameroonians out of the country. When  Ahmadou Ahidjo, France's first puppet head of state in Cameroon from 1958-1982 handed over power to his Prime Minister Paul Biya  in October 1982, Cameroonians were expectant. However, 37 years of Biya's misrule has left the country in an even more deplorable state.

Today, Cameroon is the country in Africa that has experienced the worst brain drain. Not only so, the system sees preventing these Cameroonians abroad from influencing the political evolution of the country as its safety valve. Depriving its nationals abroad of the option of DUAL CITIZENSHIP is the way they have been going about it, as those Cameroonians who live or were born abroad, and who have acquired foreign citizenship, lose all forms of civic rights as Cameroonians, and cannot acquire a Cameroonian passport.

But strangely enough, the Biya regime and most of those in the upper echelons of the Cameroonian government --- who are regarded as compradors by the struggling masses --- hold foreign passports, which explains why they stand accused of pillaging the country to their benefit and the benefit of their foreign masters. The list below confirms that, starting with Paul Biya, the usurper president. The conclusion is that Cameroon and Cameroonians are governed by foreigners (the political mafia in France that keeps Cameroon and the rest of Francophone Africa in bondage---Francafqiue or Mafiafrique--- and their Cameroonian compradors who can be likened to the Nazi kapos)


September 12, 2019

Members of the Cameroonian government holding dual nationality. This list was published by Africa 24 and Business Jeune Magazine on December 5, 2017. Some personalities have changed positions or left the government.

President of the Republic of Cameroon Biya’a Bi Mvondo Paul Barthelemy (French passport)

Prime Minister, Head of Government, Mr. Philémon Yang (French Passport)

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister Delegate to the Presidency in charge of relations with the Assemblies, Mr. Amadou Ali. (French passport)

First President of the Senate of Cameroon, Marcel Niat Njifenji (French Passport)

Ministers of State

• Minister of State, Minister of Tourism and Recreation, Mr. Bello Bouba Maïgari. (French passport)

• Minister of State, Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, Mr. Laurent Esso. (French passport)


- Minister delegate to the Presidency, in charge of Defense, Mr. Joseph Beti Assomo. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Presidency in charge of superior State control, Mrs. Rose Mbah Acha. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Presidency in charge of public procurement, Mr. Abba Sadou. (French passport)

• Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, Mr. René Sadi. (French passport)

• Minister of Social Affairs, Ms. Pauline Irène Nguene. (French passport)

• Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr. Henri Eyebe Ayissi. (American passport)

• Minister of Arts and Culture, Mr. Jean Narcisse Mouelle Kombi. (French passport)

• Minister of Commerce, Mr. Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana. (French passport)

• Minister of Communication, Mr. Issa Tchiroma Bakary. (French passport)

• Minister of Domains, Cadastre and Land Affairs, Ms. Jacqueline Koung A Bissike. (French passport)

• Minister of Water and Energy, Mr. Basile Atangana Kouna. (French passport)

• Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Mr. Louis Paul Motaze. (French passport)

• Minister of Basic Education, Ms. Youssouf Hadidja Alim. (French passport)

• Minister of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries, Dr Taiga. (French passport)

• Minister of Employment and Vocational Training, Mr. Zacharie Perevet. (French passport)

• Minister of Secondary Education, Mr. Jean Ernest Ngalle Bibehe Masséna. (French passport)

• Minister of Higher Education, Jacques Fame Ndongo. (French passport)

• Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development, Mr. Pierre Helé. (French passport)

• Minister of Finance, Mr. Alamine Ousmane Mey. (French passport)

• Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform, Mr. Michel Ange Angouin. (French passport)

• Minister of Forests and Wildlife, Mr. Ngole Philip Ngwese. (French passport)

• Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Mr. Jean Claude Mbwentchou. (French passport)

• Minister of Youth and Civic Education, Mr. Mounouna Foutsou. (French passport)

• Minister of Mines, Industry and Technological Development, Mr. Hernest Ngoua Boubou. ((American passport)

• Minister of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Social Economy and Handicrafts, Mr. Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa. (French passport)

• Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Ms. Minette Libom Li Likeng. (French passport)

• Minister for the Advancement of Women and the Family, Ms. Marie-Thérèse Abena Ondoa. (French passport)

• Minister of Scientific Research and Innovation, Ms. Madeleine Tchuinte. (French passport)

• Minister of External Relations, Mr. Lejeune Mbella Mbella. (French passport)

• Minister of Public Health, Mr. André Mama Fouda. (French passport)

• Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Mr. Pierre Ismaël Bidoung Kpwatt. (French passport)

• Minister of Transport, Mr. Edgard Alain Mebe Ngo’o. (French passport) currently in prison

• Minister of Labor and Social Security, Mr. Grégoire Owona. (French passport)

• Minister of Public Works, Mr. Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi (French Passport)

• Former Minister of Public Works, Patrice Amba Salla. (French passport)

• The General Delegate for National Security, Martin Mbarga Nguele (French Passport)

Deputy Ministers

- Minister delegate to the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization responsible for decentralized territorial communities, Mr. Ndongo Jules Doret. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development responsible for rural development, Ms. Clémentine Ananga Messina. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development, Dr Nana Aboubakar Djalloh. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development responsible for planning, Mr. Abdoulaye Yaouba. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Minister of Finance, Mr. Paul Che Eloum. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, Mr. Jean-Pierre Fogui. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Minister of External Relations responsible for cooperation with the Commonwealth, Mr. Jospeh Dion Ngute. (French passport) currently Prime Minister

• Minister delegate to the Minister of External Relations responsible for cooperation with the Islamic world, Mr. Adoum Gargoum. (French passport)

• Minister delegate to the Minister of Transport, Mr. Oumarou Mefiro. (French passport)

Ministers in charge of the Presidency of the Republic

- Mr. Moustapha Hamadou. (French passport)

• Mr. Paul Atanga Nji. (American passport)

• Mr. Mengot Victor Arrey Nkongho. (French passport)

• Mr. Philippe Mbarga Mboa. (French passport)

Secretaries of State

- Secretary of State to the Minister of Defense, responsible for the National Gendarmerie, Mr. Jean-Baptiste Bokam. (French passport)

• Secretary of State to the Minister of Defense, responsible for veterans and war victims, Mr. Issa Koumpa. (French passport)

• Secretary of State to the Minister of Basic Education, Mr. Benoît Ndong Soumhet. (French passport)

• State Secretary to the Minister for Secondary Education, responsible for normal education, Mr. Boniface Bayaola. (French passport)

• Secretary of State to the Minister of Forests and Wildlife, Ms. Koulsoumi Alhadj ép. Boukar. (French passport)

• Secretary of State to the - Minister of Housing and Urban Development, responsible for housing, Ms. Marie Rose Dibong. (French passport)

• Secretary of State to the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, responsible for prison administration, Mr. Dooh Jérome Penbaga. (French passport)

• Secretary of State to the Minister of Mines, Industry and Technological Development, Mr. Fuh Calistus Gentry. (French passport)

• State Secretary to the Minister of Public Health responsible for fighting epidemics and pandemics, Mr. Alim Hayatou. (French passport)

• Secretary of State to the Minister of Public Works responsible for roads, Mr. Louis-Max Ayina Ohandja. (French passport)

Adolphe Moudiki, the all-powerful director-general manager of the Société Nationale des Hydrocarbures (Snh).