Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Flash of the Sun---Quotes

Flash of the Sun

"A nationalist will blindly follow his country to his death out of love for it. A patriot will stand up for  and even against his country to his death out of love for it."
                                               From Flash of the Sun

"By the way, the purpose of education is to improve nature (oneself and his world), to better humanity; it is not to create an impression, as it appears to be prevalent today."
                                               From Flash of the Sun

"To some people, achievements come about from defensible choices made; while for others, achievements are the outcome of opportunities exploited. The first are conscientious while the second are susceptible to underhandedness. "
                                               From Flash of the Sun

"It is not something we often find out; but most of the specially-gifted have a deep desire to be ordinary.”
                                               From  Flash of the Sun

"To lead an easy life, stay with the herd. To lead a distinguished life, plow a progressive path for the herd."
                                               From  Flash of the Sun

"Love is an expression of sensual joy the most high."
                                               From  Flash of the Sun

“Altruistic, self-sacrificing, and self-deprecating souls often get taken for fools, especially by those who do not know what true empathy, kindness, and humility are all about. Even so, they run the risk of becoming self-destructive if they stretch their understanding and supportive nature to the point of deferring or minimizing their needs and feelings and carrying the crosses of people who have no agency, capability, or willingness to make their lives better.”
                                               From  Flash of the Sun

"A yesterday missed can never be found even in a fine tomorrow."
                                               From  Flash of the Sun

"Only a fool would find happiness from an achievement that is detrimental to  those he loves."
                                               From Flash of the Sun

"The fact that I consider a liar a coward, especially one that does not change his mind, does not mean that I expect those who know that lie-telling is a cowardly act to stop lying."
                                               From  Flash of the Sun

Even in our genuine efforts to do good, we are susceptible to mistakes coming from our erroneous judgments and actions. Those errors become mistakes when we refuse to review them, when we fail to correct them." 
                                               From Flash of the Sun

Geopolitics is a mighty joke that is not meant to be funny because unfortunately, it often results in the loss of life.” 
                                               From Flash of the Sun

It is an act of courage to change your mind and accept it in public."
                                               From Flash of the Sun

“Some honest people think it is better to know the ways of the devil without being evil, than being ignorant of evil even as a saint." 
                                               From Flash of the Sun

“We are in the era of universal deceit, where the person who is aware of the truth is enlightened, and where the person who speaks it is likely to be looked upon as a  revolutionary capable of rocking the boat.” 
                                               From Flash of the Sun

"In the fight against evil, only the best get killed."
                                               From Flash of the Sun

“To some people, achievements come about from defensible choices made; while for others, achievements are the outcome of opportunities exploited. The first are conscientious while the second are susceptible to underhandedness."
                                               From Flash of the Sun

"Young people who don't know one another and don't hate each other kill themselves in wars that are declared by politicians that know one another and hate each other, but don't kill themselves as was the case in the days of champions." 
                                               From Flash of the Sun

Revolutionaries are the holy fools of politics. They do not consider deprivation and even self-deprivation as a heavy price to pay in their commitment to realizing socio-economic and political changes that would advance the wellbeing of their people..."
                                               From Flash of the Sun

"The fact that I consider a liar a coward, especially one that does not change his mind, does not mean that I expect those who know that lie-telling is a cowardly act to stop lying." 
                                               From Flash of the Sun

"Great men are not supermen. What distinguishes them from the ordinary and makes them great is their ability to tame their fears and confront the extreme challenges that most people cringe from."                                                                 From Flash of the Sun

"Happiness is built on a well of cherished and cherishable memories, a present of joy and/or serenity, and a future that promises peace of mind."                                                                                                                                                From Flash of the Sun

“We are in the era of universal deceit, where the person who is aware of the truth is enlightened, and where the person who speaks it is likely to be looked upon as a revolutionary capable of rocking the boat.”                                                

                                               From Flash of the Sun

Happiness is built on a well of cherished and cherishable memories, a present of joy and/or serenity and a future that promises peace of mind."

                                               From Flash of the Sun

“We deepen our humanity by discarding those group identities that breed collective selfishness and discrimination."

                                               From Flash of the Sun

 By Janvier Chouteu-Chando, author of Flash of the Sun

Flash of the Sun (Compradors Series)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Immigrant Numbers in the USA and their Countries and Areas of origin

A country is included in the table if it exceeded 50,000 in either category.
Country of birthPopulation (2013)Immigrants (1986-2012)
 United States316,497,5313,132
Total foreign born41,347,94526,147,963
 El Salvador1,252,067676,776
 South Korea1,070,335609,321
 Dominican Republic991,046904,721
 United Kingdom695,489383,037
 Trinidad and Tobago232,026157,689
 Republic of Ireland128,350104,586
 Bosnia and Herzegovina112,240129,481
 South Africa95,19169,992
 Saudi Arabia88,894n/a
 Costa Rica78,65947,648
 Czech Republic64,35427,354
 Sri Lanka51,26851,675
Note: Counts of immigrants since 1986 for Russia includes "Soviet Union (former)", and for Czech Republic includes "Czechoslovakia (former)".

U.S. Census Bureau's 2010 and 2014 American Community Surveys (ACS)