Thursday, July 4, 2024

When so-called Revolutionists lose the plot

 It is counterproductive to the goals of any force that purports to be for the people when the so-called liberationists carry out operations or actions that hurt the people (individually or collectively) whether directly or indirectly. Over time, such a group becomes anti-people in its psyche, actions, and directions. That risks transforming the very people who initially looked up to the cause for salvation, to regretful advocates of peace as they seek a return to even the "normalcy" they initially abhorred, thus giving victory to the dysfunctional and discriminatory system in power that becomes viewed by some as less tyrannical than the so-called liberationists who have lost the plot. That psycho-social transformation often triggers a period of political lethargy that risks haunting the scarred population for generations, making them incapable of mustering the strength(unity and other socio-economic and financial resources) to effectively challenge the system, thus making it impossible to realize a revolution in that country. The struggling masses risk seeing the regressive system hang on to power much longer if the system carries out makeshift and more especially reformatory changes that act as a palliative, thus making the so-called liberationists irrelevant over time, especially if these so-called liberationists do not come up with a timeless ideal.

The Union Moujik

The Girl on the Trail