Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Worth of a Housewife

Conversation between a Husband (H) and a Psychologist (P):
P: What do u do for a living Mr. Bandy?
H: I work as an Accountant in a Bank.
P: your Wife ?
H: She doesn't work, She's only a housewife.
P: Who makes breakfast for your family in the morning?
H: My Wife, because she doesn't work.
P: At what time does your wife wake up for making breakfast?
H: She wakes up at around 5am because she cleans the house first before making breakfast.
P: How do your kids go to school?
H: My wife takes them to school, because she doesn't work.
P: After taking ur kids to school, what does she do?
H: She goes to the market, then goes back home for cooking and laundry. You know she doesn't work.
P: In the evening, after you go back home from office, what do you do?
H: Takes a rest because I’m tired due to all day's work.
P: What does your wife do then?
H: She prepares meals, serving our kids, preparing meals for me and cleaning the dishes, cleaning the house then taking kids bed.
***Whom do you think works more from the story above???
The daily routines of your wives commence from early morning to late night and you called that DOESN'T WORK?
Yes, being housewives do not need certificate of Study, even high position, but their role/part is very important!
Appreciate your wives because their sacrifices are uncountable, this should be a reminder and reflection for all of us to understand and appreciate each others roles.
***All about a woman***
A very heart touching message by a
Someone asked her, Are you a working woman or a housewife?
She replied:
Yes, I am a full-time
working housewife.
I work 24 hours a day.
I'm a Mum.
I'm a Wife.
I'm a Daughter.
I'm a Daughter-in-law.
I'm an Alarm clock.
I'm a Cook.
I'm a Maid.
I'm a Teacher.
I'm a Waiter.
I'm a Nanny.
I'm a Nurse.
I'm a Handyman.
I'm a Security officer.
I'm a Counselor.
I'm a Comforter.
I don't get holidays.
I don't get sick leave.
I don't get day off.
I work through day and night.
I'm on call all hours and get paid with a
***What Do you do all Day??
***Dedicated to all women***
Woman has the most unique character like salt, her presence is never remembered but her absence makes all the things tasteless.
Pass it to all the lovely ladies...
Your Mother.
Your Wife.
Your daughter.
Your sister and your friend.
Share to every woman to make her smile and to every man to make him realize a woman's worth.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Leaders, Exile, Revolutions and Leadership (Reply for an Insight)

The vast majority of leaders who have realized revolutionary changes in their countries had moments of exile---whether self-imposed or forced. Nelson Mandela whom Salah mentioned was out of South Africa for a while but his focus was on the struggle. Fidel Castro, Lenin, De Gaulle, El Cid, Shaka, Napoleon, Ayatollah Khomeini etc. Exile has often proven to be a place of  recuperation; a moment of distant observation and judgment of situations; a moment of stock-taking, and buildup of resolve, resources and even ideas; and above all exile has been a place of refuge for exponents of change who are on the verge of defeat or extinction.

It is a lot more honorable for an exponent of change to accept exile  and continue to provide guidance to society from exile rather than to stay at home, compromise the values of a struggle, relinquish the role of moral leader of society and  assimilate into the corrupt anachronistic system.

July 2002

Reply to a Separatist on Identifying Enemies and Friends in a Cause for Humanity and on Embracing Cameroonian Civic-Nationalism

My dear friend,

I understand what it means to suffer persecution. I have suffered several times. Still, when you are persecuted, you should clearly identify who the enemies really are, and the reason or purpose of their persecution. In the case of Cameroon (Kamerun), it is not for the advancement of the country, it is for the defense of their theft or rape of Cameroon, so the persecutors should be treated as enemies of the people.

  • Now, who are your enemies?
  • Is it Francophones or the government in power---the Biya regime/establishment otherwise called the French-imposed system?

If you think it is Francophones, then you are a Francophobe and you are not being objective. You are not focusing your disappointment on the French neocolonialists who created the repressive system in Cameroon and their Cameroonian puppets managing it, Cameroonian politicians who played absolutely no role in the civic-nationalist struggle in the 1950s for French Cameroun's reunification and independence. These puppets of France soiled their hands with the blood of mostly Francophone Cameroonians  in creating the police state that is Cameroon today. The majority of Francophones resent this police state and the system as a whole.

So you can understand why the majority of Francophones supported Fru Ndi (an Anglophone) to become president in 1992, but the Biya regime with many Anglophones in it (Achidi Achu as prime minister, for one), prevented John Fru Ndi from becoming president. Read carefully No: 3 of the article "HOW COMMITTED ARE WE IN THE STRUGGLE TO CHANGE THE PRESENT SYSTEM". Then you will understand why many Francophones who were staunchly behind the SDF of Fru Ndi believed they have been betrayed by those in the SDF who are now fighting for the Anglophone cause and consider them (Francophone SDF militants) as Francophone enemies. If you were ever in the SDF, then your group ruptured the broad consensus that once made the party great. It is the greatness of the struggle, the unifying purpose of our minds that I believe should be harnessed. And the ideal to harness is Kamerunian union-nationalism, a civic-nationalism that our Francophone forefathers fought for and lost close to a million lives for, and which our Anglophone forefathers stood for in the plebiscite that brought about the reunification of the former French Cameroun and British Southern Cameroons. It is the dream of reunification that I am working for. It was a noble and advanced dream and a model for an economically unified and politically integrated Africa.

Have a nice day

Janvier Tchouteu

 October 2004

The Force to Build "The New Cameroon"

Cameroon needs a new force, a force of post-independence Cameroonians who are not a by-product of the system, a force that is untainted by the system’s negative values, one that understands the failures of the so-called opposition led by pre-independence Cameroonians who failed to cut their umbilical cords to the system. This force should totally and completely reject the system and all its values, and must be prepared to fight it to its death.