Saturday, May 16, 2020

Where does Cameroon Find itself at vis-a-vis Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

A Cameroonian, Eric Roger Tagne Sr. once asked:

"Here is the pyramid of Maslow's needs. In your opinion, where is Cameroon in the pyramid?"

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The pyramid is based on the need(s) of individuals. The greater part of the populations of most countries, especially developing countries (Cameroon included)are at the bottom of the pyramid and are driven by the desire to fulfill their basic needs within their limited worlds. Countries with a sense of direction that are advanced --- that is, countries that are developed and are developing --- are those whose elites (economic, political and social),  are at the top of the pyramid and have a general sense of purpose that counts more than self-aggrandizement or the fulfillment of their basic needs. They see the need for a structured environment where those with creative minds, entrepreneurial spirits, the passion to build, and the penchant to improve on things can thrive in, and so work towards creating that environment or improving on it. These are usually the revolutionaries, the mover of the movers, the transformers of society.

The neo-colonial French-imposed system in Cameroon does not produce or nurture these types of positive figures. Thus, the most that the kleptocratic regime of Biya composed of compradors managing this anti-Cameroonian system, and the so-called opposition --- where the "demon" mentality reigns --- can reach is the third level of the pyramid. Cameroon is therefore condemned unless the system is dismantled and the "New Cameroon" is founded.

By Janvier Tchouteu is the author of Triple Agent, Double Cross

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