Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Donald Trump and an American-led Multi-polar World

I am not someone of the right, but I do accept the fact that entrenched political establishments, especially in the West, and the puppets they direct in their vassal states, especially in Africa (Paul Biya of Cameroon for one), have lost touch with reality and are serving the elites of the world only, instead of all the citizens of their home countries. Donald Trump, despite what may be considered his idiosyncrasies, comes in with virtually a clean slate and brings in the possibility of the USA procuring its interest without dragging the rest of the world into conflict. He can help America lead a multi-polar world, instead of leading America towards a dead end as the agenda-driven establishment was pushing it towards in their impossible desire to impose a New World Order void of consensus with the other rising powers of the world (Russia, China, India, Brazil, etc.)

Janvier  T. Chando is the author of "HEGEMON IN THE MAKING: THE BIRTH AND GROWTH OF THE WESTERN ELITE POLITICAL CLASS—From Celtic to Roman to Anglo-Saxon/Germanic

THE BARGAIN WITH AMERICA: A Donald Trump Manifesto and Integrity Judgment

by Janvier T. Chando 

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