Saturday, January 25, 2025

A Tale of Two Dictators? (Paul Biya of Cameroon & Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus)

Curiously, when it comes to the issue of dictators strutting this globe, the old media of the Western world, otherwise called the traditional or legacy media, puts the focus on Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus who has been in power for thirty years and is seeking reelection, holding that he is "Europe's Last Dictator"; while ignoring Paul Biya of Cameroon---Africa's absentee president who has been in power for 42 years, who has made Cameroon the most mismanaged country in the world; and while Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea has been the head of state of that small oil-rich Spanish-speaking  country in the center of Africa for 45-years.

The dictatorial Lukashenko is against the infringement of Belarusian sovereignty by the West and is friendly with Russia, while the two African dictators are compradors of the West, lackeys of  France and the globalist agenda that stifles Africa's development, making it a supplier of raw materials bought at far below market prices, with the dictators and their cronies and retinues pocketing a huge chunk of the money from the undersold resources, with most of the money laundered by their backers to their bank accounts in Western countries.

While Lukashenko has always been popular with his people despite his dictatorial tendencies, Paul Biya of Cameroon has never won the hearts of Cameroonians, maintaining his stay in power by an efficient rigging machinery that keeps more than three-quarters of the population unregistered, but whose electoral fraud is always validated by his Western backers, and the Mainstream Media in the West, thus squashing any hope of a popular uprising.

The Union Moujik

FALLEN HEROES: African Leaders Whose Assassinations Disarrayed the Continent and Benefitted Foreign Interests

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